June 2023
Greetings. At last, Medicine for a Nightmare presents: Part Three!
Part Three contains essays, poetry, short stories, photography, and other visual art from a unique selection of more than 70 contributors from many walks of life, age groups, and cultural backgrounds. It's presented in a perfect-bound paperback book that comes with a 122 minute audio companion spanning 2 cassettes featuring music from 25 different artists. The core of this project is to embrace emotions and impermanence while asking to think about being part of systems and environments with the topic of ego reduction.
There will be a book launch in Portland, OR at Turn Turn Turn on June 16th!
May 2023
Cassettes for Daniel Talton's new album Hunt have arrived! Dive in where texture swells forward and lingers where Appalachian structures dissolve.
November 2022
This month sees the beautiful new release from Elrond. Chrysalis: Music For Convalescence is heavily inspired by healing from physical and emotional trauma, which both mourns and praises the process. Combining deep analog tones and dense pads woven together with jutting sequences, one can get lost, yet remain grounded in the electronic swells provided in this ambient excursion. We printed a run of glass mastered CDs housed in digipacks. They turned out lovely!
June / July 2022
Our first musical release is from the one and only Lorna Dune! Anattā is a conceptual story of the dissolving of the Ego into natural environments - a bio-electric swampland, a mighty river flowing to the vast ocean, then entering into the Ether where radio waves rip atoms apart as it expands infinitely into the Cosmos. You can preview the album via Bandcamp and in our store. It will be released on most platforms on July 22nd.
Our second musical offering comes from the Portland, OR duo and curators of Medicine for a Nightmare, Canadensis. The Decades Apart Have Weathered Us Both explores missing fragments of the soul, traumatically lost or discarded by ego as it morphs through time. What might have been if issues were worked through instead of shed? Even if reunited, would the two parts still reject each other? It’s been so long. Check it out in the store, or find it on most platforms on July 29th.
Neither of these releases have lyrical vocals, yet they are full of life, adventure, struggle and growth. Both albums demand attention and are headphones friendly.
Medicine for a Nightmare is something between a publishing company, record label, and dispersed community; yet is none of those things. It serves to be a bridge and facilitate connections by sharing ideas and experiences. The goal is for this project to bring people together in a meaningful way, no matter where they physically exist.
We set out to curate a collection of thoughts and expressions to be part of a larger conversation, which began with our first release in January 2021, Part One. The Part Series is a perpetual publication in the form of a printed book with an audio music companion that contains thoughts and expressions including, but not limited to, photography and other visual art, poetry, prose, essays, and short stories, from a unique selection of contributors coming from many walks of life, age groups, and cultural backgrounds, to be a part of a larger conversation. The overarching theme of the series is embracing emotions and impermanence, with each book having a sub-theme.